William "Bill" Bolz
1920s Aerial photo: House #8
1927 Mill Employees photo: #77

1920 Census: na
1930 Census
William, age 38
Anna, age 21 - Anna's photos appear in "Lumbermen on the Chippewa" by Malcolm Rosholt
Idelynn (sp?) age 2
Billy, age 1
1930 Employment: Setter at the Saw Mill
Charles A. Bolz
Charles A. Bolz
1920s Aerial photo: House #na
1927 Mill Employees photo: na
1920 Census:
Charles A. age 56 - Head of Household
Bertha M. age 50
Henry J. age 24
Frank B. age 21
Mammie age 19
Emma H. age 16
Max C. age 14
Violet A. age 12
Casper A. age 11
June M. age 9 - NOTE: on 1930 Census, June is listed as a servant in the Otto Orth house.
1920 Employment:
Charles, Laborer, Saw Mill
Henry, Frank, and Mammie? - Laborers, Saw Mill