Reunions & Gatherings
Since 1914 the Lugerville School has been a staple in the once lumber town of Lugerville on County Highway F in the Township of Flambeau.
It still proudly remains today as one of the original buildings.
2016 - 47th Annual Lugerville School Reunion Picnic
Maureen Trojak 2016 Articles - May 25 article ~ June 23 article

2015 Lugerville School Reunion Picnic
Photos by Maureen Trojak

Bill Luger
2014 Lugerville School Reunion Picnic
Lugerville School celebrates 100 years.
READ June 11, 2014 ARTICLE HERE Price County Review

Sitting L-R: Josephine "Jo" Tuma Teeters (Mrs. Clayton Teeters) and Florence Teeters (Mrs. Lyle Teeters)
Standing L-R: Wayne Teeters and Bill Teeters. Photo by Toni Stevenson

Photo Credit: Price County Reporter
Among guests at the annual Lugerville School reunion picnic were descendants of the Luger brothers and family,
who gave the unincorporated town its start in 1903.
Joseph McManus, left, and Barbara (Luger) McManus, right, of Coral Gables, FL, and
Nancy (Lugar) Wilson, center, of Bloomington, MN, stand under the water tower at the picnic.
Other relatives of the Luger family call Eden Prairie and Burnsville, MN, home.
2012 Lugerville School Reunion
Click here to read 1953 Alumni Phillip J. Rotar's review. Source: Price County Daily
2010 Lugerville School Reunion
June 24, 2010 Price County Review Article:
Lugerville School reunion held May 30
Descendants of community’s first settlers are this year’sspecial guests
Many roads led to the the Price County community of Lugerville Sunday, May 30th for the 41st annual reunion picnic. Sponsored by the Lugerville Reunion Picnic Committee, a spin-off of the former Parent–Teacher Association, the picnic takes place at the Lugerville School and Community Center (Town of Flambeau).
This year’s gathering was extra special because nine members of the Luger families were in attendance coming from as far away as Florida. These Lugers are grandchildren and great grandchildren of Frank, John, Lewis Luger and their father who founded Lugerville and built the Lumber Company in Lugerville in 1904 along the banks of the South Fork of the Flambeau River.
Interesting conversations took place before and after the potluck meal and plenty of pictures were taken. The Luger relatives drove around the area taking in the former “mill yard” and checked out other former sites before returning to their homes in various states.
This year a museum type display of area photos and news articles were set up in one of the former classrooms. All of the visitors as well as local residents took a great interest viewing the display with much nostalgia!
Matt Kelly and Patrick Kaletka both spoke during a brief program. Children were busy on the swings and playground while others played games.
Jerry Smetak, who graduated from Lugerville School in 1959,continues to attend the picnic with his family driving from Cottage Grove, Tenn. In 2011, the picnic will be held on Sunday, May 29.

Special guests at this year’s Lugerville School reunion picnic included family of Nancy Luger Wilson.
(front row) Les Wilson, Nancy’s husband; Shannon Meehan, Nancy’s granddaughter; Kevin Meehan, Cecelia Wilson, Nancy’s daughter; and Kerry Meehan, Nancy’s granddaughter, back row) Joe McManus, Barbara Luger McManus, Bill Luger and Nancy Luger Wilson.
Source: Price County Daily
2002 Lugerville School Reunion
August 23, 2002 Price County Review Article (photo is missing)
Since 1969, the Lugerville School bell has been rung at 11 a.m. the Sunday before Memorial Day.
This year was no different when the bell called those at the reunion picnic to the meal.
These reunions have included viewing school records and photos, climbing the fire tower for a birds eye view of Lugerville, checking out the former bill sight and dam, ballgames, dancing and just reminiscing and visiting.
As many as 600 have attended this affair at one time or another. Each reunion seems to bring someone as a "first-timer." This year's reunion brought Fern (Smith) LeBrassuer giving her a chance to visit with former students and residents of the Lugerville, Town of Flambeau, area.
front row, Fern (Smith) LeBrasseur, Escanaba, Mich., Eileen (Kenyon) Baratka, Phillips, and Dorothy Averill, Merrill;
middle: Katherine (Olson) Symonik, West Allis, Delores (Teske) Berg, Park Falls, and Katie (Malvich) Fowler, Pontiac, Mich.;
back: Roland Bodenburg, Lugerville, Lloyd Malvich, Pontiac, Mich., Glen Olson, White Pine, Mich., and Clyde Kenyon, Park Falls.
Can someone please get a copy of this photo to to be posted here.
Source: Price County Daily
1990 Lugerville School Reunion
Lugerville Reunion, source: Dorothy Averill archives
Above Left: L-R Carl Vojtech, Mr & Mrs Glen Alson, Clyde Kenyon, Alice (Mrs Clyde) Kenyon
Above Right: L-R Carl Vojtech, Kathryn Alson, Jerry Vojtech
Above Left: Delores Teske & Fern Davis. ~ Right: Elaine "Feffie" Bodenburg Anderson, Mickey Watral, Clyde Kenyon
Above Left: Jane Bliese Peterson, Feffie Bodenburg Anderson, Eileen Kenyon Baratka
Above Right: Jerry Vojtech & Roland Bodenburg
1973 Lugerville School Reunion
Gathering at Lugerville School. source: Dorothy Averill

Above L-R: John Reser, Dorothy Averill, Margaret Averill McCambridge, Roy? Bodenburg
Lugerville friends gathering at the lake house of Helen Vojtech Stephens, on C__?_ Lake

L-R: Elaine Bodenburg Anderson; Dorothy Averill; Martha who?; Marie Averill Stevenson; Jean Bodenburg; Lois Wells; who is the tall woman in back?; Geraldine Wheeler Tarcon; Eileen Kenyon Barotka; Margaret Averill McCambridge. source: Dorothy Averill
1971 or 1972
Lugerville Gathering. source: Dorothy Averill
Gathering at Eileen Kenyon Baratka's

Above L-R: ?_Vojtech, Jean, Margaret, Feffie, Marie, Eileen, Althea
Left: Althea Parker ~ Right: Eileen Kenyon Baratka and Roland Bodenburg
Left: Feffie Bodenburg and Violet Lorne ~ Right: Geraldine Wheeler Tarcon, Feffie Bodenburg Anderson
Left: Jean Bodenburg and Missy ~ Right: Jerry Vojtech, Margaret Averill McCambridge, Doyle McCambridge

John Zimmerman and Roy Bodenburg
Above Left: Margaret Averill McCambridge, Marie Averill Stevenson, Feffie Bodenburg Anderson, and Althea Parker
Above Right:
Unknown, Feffie? , Marie Averill Stevenson, Dorothy Averill
50th Wedding Anniversary of Walter and Anna Averill, Merrill, WI

L-R: Margaret Averill, Dorothy Averill, Marie Averill, Feffie Bodenburg, Eileen Kenyon
The children are Gordon Stevenson and Susan Anderson
c. 1940 Lugerville Friends - Where was this photo taken?
source: Dorothy Averill archives
can you identify the location & unidentified folks in these photos?

Standing L-R: Unidentified woman, Emma Bliese, Unidentified woman, Herman Bliese, Anna (Mrs Walter) Averill, Unidentified woman, Unidentified woman, Dorothy Averill, and Roy Bodenburg.
2 standing girls unknown; woman sitting unknown; boy sitting unknown

Below: Standing L-R: unknown man, Walter Averill; unknown woman, unknown woman, Herman Bliese, Emma Bliese. Anna Averill; unknown woman, unknown woman, Dorothy Averill; Margaret Averill;
Roy Bodenburg; and Roland Bodenburg. (which woman is Irma Bodenburg?)
2 standing girls unknown; woman sitting unknown; boy sitting unknown

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