Geisness Mr. and Mrs. Albin (Alben?) Geisness Mentioned in the 1954 "History of Lugerville" by HelenMary S. Greene (spelled Geissness) Mentioned in the 1958 Article (spelled Guiness) " ... The farthest place north belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Alben Guisness (SP). Helen was busy righting her house after the confusion of hunting and Thanksgiving. She felt so grateful that their children and families could get home for special days. Every day must have been “special” when the Guisness children were all at home and going to Popple Hill." - recalls Mary Knoblock “I remember how BIG I though the school was when we moved here 20 years ago,” said Mrs. Guisness. “Forty students were enrolled. Gwendolyn was our oldest, first of seven who went to Popple Hill. I would walk with her to the road, then watch as long as I could see her. I was afraid of the woods and afraid of the animals that might be in them. What a long way it seemed for a little girl to walk to school. In the evening, I would stand in the road and wait for her.”